Spring is here, and Stomping Ground is rolling out a brand new workshop series to help you spring forward as an improviser and performer!
Each week, one of our instructors will dig into a topic or skill of their choosing! Students will refresh their improvisational toolbelt and add new tools to make their scenes both memorable and engaging for an audience. This class is recommended for students with some improv experience and who have completed at least Level Three Improv at Stomping Ground or the equivalent.
This week’s topic is After the Bomb Drops–Difficult Conversations in Scenes
Often improvisers tend to avoid meaty conflicts and difficult conversations for their characters in scenes, problem solving and “defusing the bomb” instead of unpacking. This week’s Spring Forward drop-in class with focus on leaning into those conversations, digging deeper instead of avoiding conflict, and exploring what the scene is really about. Students will practice playing scenes with difficult conversations for their characters while making sure that the improviser and audience feel safe in the exploration.
All sales are final. Classes are non-refundable but enrollment can be deferred to a future term. All students must adhere to policies in the Stomping Ground Student Handbook. Must be 18 years or older to enroll, unless otherwise stated.
All class times are Central Standard Time (CST).