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Thank you, Jocelyn!

When Stomping Ground was in its infancy, Jocelyn Tiner stepped up and volunteered to help the organization navigate the complex world of non-profit fundraising with a special focus on grant support. The team needed more experience in large-scale fundraising and vetting, selecting, and applying for grants; Jocelyn filled a need that was so crucial to the health of our organization. She generously donated her time because of her passion for improv, art therapy, and community. 

As the organization grew, Jocelyn became a part-time employee and made great strides in our fundraising efforts. She was the key figure in Stomping Ground securing funding from AWARE Fund of The Dallas Foundation to support the Improv for Caregivers Program; because of her hard work, we have continued this work for five years. Jocelyn also procured grant funding to aid in both youth programs and for sound improvements that make the Stomping Ground facility more sensory-friendly. 

In 2020, when Stomping Ground Comedy temporarily closed its doors, Jocelyn led the charge in donor engagement and helped the organization raise over $40,000 from individual donors. She also helped secure additional grant funding for shuttered venues that provided crucial operational support.  Because of this, we were able to survive during a time when many businesses did not.

Over the past two years, Jocelyn helped us create relationships with state and local arts organizations that provide much-needed support for Stomping Ground’s youth programming and general operating costs.

Over the past six years, Jocelyn has built a strong fundraising foundation for the organization, and she did it while working a demanding full-time job outside of Stomping Ground and navigating the many challenges that life can bring. Jocelyn contributed more than fundraising to Stomping Ground Comedy; she stepped into roles when the need arose and always served with passion and purpose.

This past month Jocelyn stepped away as Director of Development but the mark that she has made on our organization will last forever. We are eternally grateful for the time and talent that she gave us. Thank you, Jocelyn!


The Stomping Ground Comedy Board of Directors

Ashley Sharp, Liz Robinson, David Parsons, Julieta Ezeiza, Andrea Baum, and Lindsay Goldapp