In this five-week, advanced skills class, students will learn all about Game of the Scene, the long-form improv tool that originated in Chicago at IO and was perfected by some of the most legendary teams out there, including the Upright Citizens Brigade. This class will be an in-depth breakdown of everything Game related and provide students with the tools to find longevity in their scenes, identify the unusual, define comedic patterns, and heighten the fun and playfulness of their scene work! This class includes a showcase. The prerequisite for this class is Level Four Improv at Stomping Ground or equivalent training with permission from the Training Center Director.
This course will focus on:
About the Instructor:
Audrey MacNeil (she/her) received a B.F.A in Acting from Northern Kentucky University and attended the National Theatre Institute where she studied Movement Techniques for the actor and Directing. She has studied and performed short form, long form, and dramatic improv with NKU, Improv Cincinnati, OTRimprov, and Cin City Comedy. She has acted, improvised, and directed on stages and screens throughout Greater Cincinnati, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Connecticut, London, and now Dallas.
This is a five week recurring course held Saturdays, 3-5:30pm starting Saturday, September 23rd. The instructor is Audrey MacNeil. All sales are final. Listed price of class does not include Eventbrite’s service fee (3.7% + $1.79) and payment processing fee (2.9%) which will be added to the total price at checkout. Classes are non-refundable but enrollment may be deferred to a future class with TCD approval. All students must adhere to policies in the Stomping Ground Student Handbook. Must be 18 years or older.