Come to this late-night comedy show to make new friends and keep the old. This show brings Dallas comedy favorites back from Chicago, LA, New York, and their living room to the Stomping Ground stage- and pairs the with the new legends of the comedy community! Hosted by hometown heroes and former Los Angelenos Sarah Wyatt and Lauren Davis, this show will be a mix of old faves and hot new talents and end with a mash-up improv team of both.
The hosts are thrilled to welcome back Dallas’ sketch comedy group FCC Presents, which features Nathaniel Weathersby, Osahon Agbon, Julia Estelle, Jade Smith, and Rashaad Leggett. The show will also feature the comedy stylings of Grant Redmond and stand-up by Lindsay Goldapp.
This show is rated M for Mature/18+. Ticket Prices are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Stomping Ground is BYOB.
To purchase group ticket sales (5 or more tickets) at a discounted rate email
Stomping Ground follows current CDC recommendations regarding mask-wearing. Social distancing should be practiced and we encourage you to purchase tickets in advance. Alcoholic beverages are allowed for all attendees over 21 years old; patrons are asked to enjoy them responsibly. For the most current information on what to expect when heading to Stomping Ground visit our FAQ page.