Students will refine and augment the skills and tools covered in Levels One and Two through exploration and heightening of emotional choices and adjustments to add perspective to their scene work. Students will learn to create scenes about emotionally- and relationally-oriented characters who are fully invested in themselves, in one another, and their shared environments. This class includes a student showcase. The prerequisites for this class are Levels One and Two at Stomping Ground or completion of another comparable improv training program.
This course focuses on:
This is a 7 week recurring in-person course held Wednesdays 7-9PM CST starting Wednesday, July 13th. The instructor is John Gerhardt. All sales are final. Classes are non-refundable but enrollment can be deferred to a future class. All students must adhere to policies in the Stomping Ground Student Handbook. Must be 18 years or older. Stomping Ground Comedy Theater follows current CDC guidelines for masks, PPE, and social distancing policies. You can find our up-to-date policies and FAQs here.