The Sassy Night Laugh is an SNL-style sketch show with a heavy FEMININE flair that’s written and performed by some of DFW’s insanely talented performers that are Female or LGBTQIA-friendly. It only happens once a month but each month, the show will be filled with BRAND NEW sketches from our team of writers; SNL will keep you on your toes AND leave you feeling Ten times GAYER than when you entered the building! So come help us bring the Funny Gay Energy to the lone star state
SNL is written by Nic Hawk, Michael McCullough, Jake Casey, Kate Greathouse, Kristopher Barton, David Parsons, Tom Reisenbichler, and Holly Bagwell. The show features Hawk, Greathouse, Parsons, Barden, Bagwell, Reisenbichler along with Anna Barden, Josh Edwards, Bailey Maxwell, Brian Graeme, Bianca Tijerina, Sara Jackson, and Madeline Teig.
Ticket prices are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Rated M for Mature/18+. Stomping Ground is BYOB.
To purchase group ticket sales (5 or more tickets) at a discounted rate email
Stomping Ground follows current CDC guidelines regarding mask-wearing. Social distancing should be practiced and we encourage you to purchase tickets in advance. Alcoholic beverages are allowed for all attendees over 21 years old; patrons are asked to enjoy them responsibly. For the most current information on what to expect when heading to Stomping Ground visit our FAQ page.