Claws Out Comedy is the cattiest show around! Originally started in Fort Worth, TX (aka Panther City), Claws Out is now all over the state of Texas and hosts a monthly showcase at Stomping Ground that you don’t want to miss! Each month features a new, hilarious lineup of comedians carefully curated by the Claws Out team.
The June show features T.J. Evans, Ferris Tamim, Anna Barden, Aaron Stout, and Marissa Nieto.
There’s a cause behind their claws -Claws Out seeks to normalize mental health awareness by spreading a message of paws-itivity. They always strive to create safe spaces for performers and audience members while simultaneously raising the industry standard for what can be expected from an independently-produced show. Voted as the best Comedy Night by Fort Worth Weekly for two years in a row, Claws Out won Critic’s Choice & Reader’s Choice!
There is occasionally a miss-conception that Claws Out is an all-female show because they book a lot of women so let us explain: Claws Out books so many women… because women are funny. They only work with bad bitches and no performer is booked (or conversely, excluded) based on gender. Claws Out believes in being undeniable, and they believe that funny is funny. Anyone can process their deep emotions in a humorous fashion!
This show is rated M for Mature/18+. Ticket Prices are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. Stomping Ground is BYOB.
To purchase group ticket sales (5 or more tickets) at a discounted rate email
Stomping Ground follows current CDC recommendations regarding mask-wearing. Social distancing should be practiced and we encourage you to purchase tickets in advance. Alcoholic beverages are allowed for all attendees over 21 years old; patrons are asked to enjoy them responsibly. For the most current information on what to expect when heading to Stomping Ground visit our FAQ page.