Contribute to the Blog

If you love SG, writing a blog is a great way to show support for our mission of connecting people through comedy. 

Anyone who is actively involved in the Stomping Ground community can pitch a blog post. This is defined as current students, instructors, directors, producers, performers, volunteers, interns, workshop or training participants, or board members.

Read below for more info and to submit your idea!

Blog Pitch Form

Did improv save your life? Help you make friends? Maybe not make you less awkward, but gave you a place where it was fine to be awkward? Do you love SG and want to share what you learned here? Why not blog about it?! If you love SG, writing a blog is a great way to show support for our mission of connecting people through comedy.

Who can fill out this pitch form? Anyone who is actively involved in the Stomping Ground community can pitch a blog post. This is defined as current students, instructors, directors, producers, performers, volunteers, interns, workshop or training participants, or board members.

For students or performers, some possible topics for blog posts include:

  • Why I Took My First Improv Class
  • How Improv Helped Me With Anxiety
  • The Moment I Realized I Love Improv
  • How Improv Changed My Life
  • The Benefits of Improv
  • What I’ve Learned at Stomping Ground
  • My Troupe Lost the Throwdown But I Learned A Lot About Myself in the Process and It’s Fine
  • Need Friends? Improv!

In general we’re looking for your personal experience, so more than one person can write about any of the above topics. Or pitch your own!

For instructors or directors, possible topics could also include:

  • How to Prepare for an Audition
  • Tips for Improving Your Improv
  • How To Develop a Show From Idea to Showtime
  • What I Love About Teaching Improv
  • My Upcoming Workshop/Class

Or, of course, pitch your own!

If you’d like to write a blog post for SG, fill out the form below. Someone will get back to you about getting started.

A few things to note:

* We share copyright, meaning you retain rights to use your work. We ask that you not publish a piece elsewhere for one month from the date of first posting on our blog.

* We will credit you on the post on our site. However, if you prefer to use a pseudonym and remain anonymous, we will honor that request.

* Please allow at least 2 weeks from the time of submitting your pitch through this form before expecting a response. We strive to be timely, but this is a process managed by volunteers.

* Once your pitch has been accepted, you will draft the post, and then we will work with you on editing the piece.

* Once your pitch is accepted, Stomping Ground reserves the right to edit your piece. Our priority is to do this in partnership with you, but we might have to make changes for clarity or because of changes in information over time without your approval.

* Make sure you provide at least one form of requested contact information. Otherwise we will not be able to reach you about your pitch.

And if you have a story you’d like to share but want some extra support around the initial drafting process, that’s okay! We can help you with drafting. Indicate this need on the form below.

I have read all of the above information.
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